5 Expert Tips To Meditate While Doing Yoga

5 Expert Tips To Meditate While Doing Yoga

Introduction patanjaliyogafoundation Almost every adult and teenager is overburdened by work and stress. This has made individuals irritable and caused problems in their personal and work life. The development of stress and anxiety over time causes major psychological issues. The most prominent among these is clinical depression. The pit of psychological problems is bottomless, and …

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5 Most Effective Yoga Poses For Diabetes Treatment

5 Most Effective Yoga Poses For Diabetes Treatment

patanjaliyogafoundation Diabetes is a condition that can have a serious impact on our health and wellbeing. It can affect our ability to do the things we enjoy and can even lead to complications such as heart disease and stroke. Fortunately, there are steps we can take to manage diabetes and yoga is a great tool …

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How Mindful Meditation Can Help You To Manage Negative Emotions?

How Mindful Meditation Can Help You To Manage Negative Emotions?

patanjaliyogafoundation In our routine life, we face various problems and difficulties that can not get handled and solved independently. At times we require the potential for the eradication of all ambiguities that intrigue the mind and make all possible reasons to break us down into pieces. To muster up all our cognitive abilities and have …

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5 Benefits of Wearing Loose Clothes for Yoga Asana

5 Benefits of Wearing Loose Clothes for Yoga Asana

An asana is a body posture that improves one’s health and mind. A Sanskrit word means “posture” or “pose,” and the word comes from that. In yoga, it’s good for people to do different types of yoga asanas in loose clothes patanjaliyogafoundation. There has been a significant acclivity in the popularity of yoga Asana around …

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5 Major Benefits of Yoga Asanas

5 Major Benefits of Yoga Asanas

Now that we know the basics of yoga, let’s discuss some of the amazing benefits. Yoga has been shown to provide several physical and mental health benefits. Here are five major benefits of yoga asanas: 1. Yoga Asanas Enhance Your Memory If you are looking to improve memory, you have come to the right place! …

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How Can Yoga Retreats Change Your Life?

How Can Yoga Retreats Change Your Life?

patanjaliyogafoundation Yoga retreats are one of the best ways to improve your physical and mental health and grow as an individual; just like stem cell therapy, arthritis knee can be used on the body areas, such as the hips and hands, their primary use has been limited to knee replacement. Yoga retreats provide a way …

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Eight benefits of Sharvangasana!

Eight benefits of Sharvangasana!

Sarvangasana:- patanjaliyogafoundation Sarvangasana is come from two words one is known as “ Sarvang” which translates “All limbs”and other is “Asana”which translates “Position or Pose”. Sarvangasana is generally known as “Shoulder”. Shoulder stand is also known as the “Queen”of the the Asana. How to do:- 1.Lie on the mat back lie position . 2.Use the …

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Why Should You Do Yoga Every Morning?

Why Should You Do Yoga Every Morning?

patanjaliyogafoundation Many people have been practicing yoga regularly for many years. Morning is the best time for yoga because at this time, mind and body both are fresh, so it’s very easy to do yoga according to our comfort. Also, we will get more benefit from yoga than doing it in any other part of …

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Why Do You Need Yoga Teacher Trainers for Yoga Beginners?

Why Do You Need Yoga Teacher Trainers for Yoga Beginners?

patanjaliyogafoundation Yoga has evolved as a specific means of exercising and stretching the body, which is beneficial for all age groups. Yoga works as a complete physical workout involving strength, flexibility and subtle meditation techniques such as breathing exercises, Yoga can also reduce urinary incontinence and many more. Yoga does not need any equipment for practicing; …

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How To Create Perfect Atmosphere for Your Yoga with Diffusing Essential Oils?

How To Create Perfect Atmosphere for Your Yoga with Diffusing Essential Oils?

patanjaliyogafoundation It is an era where everyone is busy fulfilling their needs. They don’t have enough things to do for their mental benefit. However, some things can help people gain inner peace and relieve fatigue, such as yoga. Yoga is a type of exercise or meditation people do to get rid of the exhaustion in …

Read More How To Create Perfect Atmosphere for Your Yoga with Diffusing Essential Oils?